Saturday, February 10, 2007

Moving this blog to a new home...

Back in May 2006, I wrote my first blog entry for I wanted to learn about blogging and to use a format that was different from the rest of my site. In fact, I wanted to write about developments on the site and other random musings that came into my mind. So I opened an account with and I ran this blog for the past nine months. The blogging experience was so positive, that I soon found myself blogging regularly. was easy enough to use, and it did exactly what I wanted, in a simple interface. But then "The New Blogger" came, forced by Google upon the Blogger community. Guess what? After switching to New Blogger, the problems began. Sloooowwwwww loading times, and -even worse!- pictures often would not load at all. Yikes! Sometimes cryptic error messages would appear. (Read more about the problems in this awesome post by Gregg Scott.) But unlike Gregg, I did not wait another 187 days for Google/Blogger fix their systems.

I switched to Wordpress yesterday. :-)

This blog (i.e. at will not be maintained any longer. For future updates please visit...